Thursday, April 9, 2009

Congratulations! You Sure Know How to Pick 'Em!

Just a quick note... The DJIA was up about 200 points today because for the first time in a long time a big bank made money. Wells Fargo says they will record something like a $3 billion profit. So pat yourself on the back for that $25 billion loan you gave them a few months back! Just as an exercise in stupidity, troll around the net and read some news items about this particular event. You will likely see several columnists and bloggers talking about what Wells Fargo is doing right. Well, they are just being a bank and doing bread and butter banking business--no astrophysicists from MIT concocting complex equations to value imaginary assets. Just loans, mortgages, refinancing, etc. So, somebody does what they're supposed to do and we are all ready to leap for joy? Is business that corrupt in this society?

Is it?

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